Thursday, February 25, 2010

False Eyelashes Brands & Application

Hello everyone! Tonight I will talk a little about False eyelashes and the simple way I apply them. The photos above reflect two of my favorite eyelash brands. I have probably tried over 100 different brands and will usually only purchase from about five of them. There are so many different types and styles of eyelashes to select from so I hope this can give you a little help in the process. I will only use eyelashes that are made from 100% human hair (These are Sterilized). This is very important because it is not about them looking "real" because many looks I do are not an real looking but more dramatic. It is about them being easier to work with and they are reusable. Some forms of eyelashes that are not human hair are made out of CRAZY things like plastic or foils and those are extremely hard to form to your eye, apply mascara and curl. That does not work because wearing false eyelashes requires more then just sticking them on and walking out the door. With human hair you can apply mascara, curl them, and wash them which is great so you can reuse them. If cleaned properly, you can wear the same pair for about for 1-3 weeks! Ok so back to it, I love, love, Mod Lash which are made by Andrea lashes. For my daily style I wear Mod Lash #45 which is shown on me in the photo above. I only use strip lashes for the top and sometimes use individual lashes for the bottom but I definately prefer strips. When I want to step it up and create a dramatic look for my clients I will often use the Runway Lashes which are made from Ardell. These are part of the Makeup Artist collection and are very popular with celebrities. The Runway lashes are shown in the first picture above. Two other brands I use are; Sherani lashes and Elise, Elise lashes are not average lashes. They are feathers and bright colors which are great for photo shoots just not used for an everyday look. One tip about lashes is that many people apply eyeliner when they wear eyelashes to help cover the false lash line which is good to do when you are learning how to apply. Just remember when you wear eyeliner with them you need to apply your eyeliner after your lashes are on and the glue is dry! One other thing to remember is to apply all your eyeshadow before putting the lashes on. Ok, so here are some steps to take when applying the False eyelashes of your choice.

1)After taking your lashes out of the package, flex them a couple times to help them form better.

2)Hold lash as close to lash line as possible and press them down to see how well they fit. If they are too long take them off and remove a little of the corner with scissors. Check again to make sure fit is correct.

3)Hold your lash at the edge of tweezers and apply a very small line of Duo adhesive to the false lash line. You can do this with the glue tube or apply glue on a toothpick then to the lashes.

4)Hold the lash with glue on it for about 30 seconds to allow the glue to get tacky.

5)Apply the false lash as close to your own lash line as possible and take your tweezers to go along the line and press down gently. Be sure to double check the outer corners to make sure they are holding good.

6)This is optional but if you choose to apply eyeliner then apply it after the glue has dried-note white glue will be clear when dry. You can apply liner on top of the actual false eyelash line or above and blend in any gaps between your lash and the false lash.

7)Curl your lash and the false lashes together making sure not pull on the false lashes.

8)Apply mascara to your own lash and false lash in an upwards motion. After you have applied as many coats as you prefer use a lash comb and brush them again in an upwards motion making all the lashes seperated and going in the same direction. Applying the mascara acts as a second glue by bonding your lashes to the false lashes.

Remember it takes practice and patience for anyone to learn and after a few times you will be a pro! I will be doing another post soon on cleaning false lashes so that you can wear them many times. Below I have added a link of where you can purchase all the lashes mentioned above and the Duo surgical glue. As always, questions and comments are welcomed :)

Madame Madeline - Online Shoppe for discount Ardell False Eyelashes and Andrea Lashes

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